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Charging and reclaiming VAT

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Charging and reclaiming VAT

Once your VAT registration is complete you will need to update your invoices as you need to include your VAT number on all your invoices. A VAT registered business can usually claim back the purchase...

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Registering for VAT may be beneficial

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Registering for VAT may be beneficial

You dont need to hit the threshold to register for VAT, you can do this volunatarily. Why? Your business may benefit from it. Basically, a business will pay VAT on all purchases it makes (known as ‘input...

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In business? Unsure on VAT?

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In business? Unsure on VAT?

WHAT IS VAT?......... Value Added Tax (VAT) is levied on the sale of goods or services by UK businesses. It applies to all goods and services that are bought and sold for consumption in the EU. VAT is...

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Just a heads up folks! The latest HMRC Scam is doing the rounds. If you get an email with an attachment and Your 2016 Tax Report as the subject do not open it. Please forward it to

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April's PAYE/NI

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April's PAYE/NI

The deadline for April's PAYE E payment is the 22nd, thats this Saturday. Make sure your payment is received by tomorrow!

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Are you self employed and paying CIS?

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Are you self employed and paying CIS?

Its almost the year and and time to do your tax return. If your CIS get in touch. Appointments and returns and done on a first come first served basis! Quicker you get in touch the quicker we can get your...

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